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Rouen Clair Duck — Raising Ducks
Nov 7, 2018 · Learn about the Rouen Clair, a dual-purpose breed that is similar to a Mallard but smaller and more upright than a Rouen. Find out its history, characteristics, egg laying, and …
Rouen Clair Ducks - Poultry Keeper
Rouen duck - Wikipedia
The Rouen, or Rhone duck, is a large and handsome variety, of French extraction. The plumage of the Rouen duck is somewhat somber; its flesh is also much darker, and, though of higher flavor, not near so delicate as that of our …
Rouen Clair - Poultry Club
Rouen Clair is a light-phase variety of Rouen ducks from France, with a pale ground colour and an upright carriage. It is a large, commercial duck, standardised in France and Great Britain, and derived from Mallard-coloured …
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Rouen Ducks| from the Domestic
These ducks are long in shape, and not so deep in body as Rouens, and are very good layers. "Again appearing in a variant of the common Mallard colouring but a useful breed with …
Rouen Clair - Open Poultry Standards …
The Rouen Clair is a modern development of the traditional Mallard-coloured ducks from the Rouen area of France. It is distinguished from the Rouen by the pale (Isabelle clair) …
Rouen Clair Ducks | Duck Breeds - Omlet
It is often thought of as a more 'utility' type duck than the Rouen and it is certainly lighter in weight although still a well build duck. It has a farmyard origin and was developed in 1910-20 using ducks from the Picardy area of France.
Rouen Clair Duck — Raising Ducks - Animal Favorite Foods
Rouen Clair Ducks - Rare Breeds
Rouen Clair Duck - Poultry Pages
Rouen Ducks - Poultry Keeper
Rouen Duck Breed Profile - Farmhouse Guide
Rouen Clair Ducks - feathersite.com
Rouen Ducks - Rare Breeds
Rouen Duck Characteristics, History and Care Guide
Rouen Clair | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
Duck breeds - the majestic Rouen - ashtonwaterfowl.net
Rouen Clair and | Anderacer - omlet.dk
Rouen Ducks | Duck Breeds - Omlet